Make Your Own Fresh Food Diet For Your Dog With Food Sensitives

Many commercial dog foods contain fillers and ingredients that can trigger allergies in dogs. If your dog suffers from food sensitives, you may want to consider making your own fresh food diet. This is not as difficult as it may sound, and Fresh Food for dogs with allergies can be a lot healthier for your dog.
Here’s how to get started.
Before you make a recipe.
If you have a dog that has food sensitivities and has been tested you can move forward. But for those who are not sure what’s causing their pups discomfort, we recommend a simple at home test. The Whole Pet Wellness Panel – pet food and environment test is affordable and you simply take a hair sample, send it in to our lab and in 14 days you will have your results.
Visit our website for more information.

Choose a protein source.
The most common protein sources for dogs are chicken, turkey, beef, and fish. You will want to avoid using a protein that is on your food sensitivity list which is likely to trigger allergies. If your dog is allergic to chicken, you can try substituting it with another protein source such as turkey or beef. Fish is also a good option for dogs with allergies. Don’t forget, you can add organ meat as well, small amounts of liver, kidney, heart, and giblets are great source of nurturance.
Choose a calcium source.
There are a variety of calcium options for your dog’s food. Raw bone, many people are surprised by this as they have been warned about the potential dangers of dogs eating bones. Dog can eat small raw bones that are in fact safe and digestible. Cooked bones are not recommended as they splinter and can harm your dog’s digestive track. Think about your other wild dogs, fox, coyote, wolf, they all eat raw prey including the bones. Another option is egg shell, or bone meal.
Add some healthy fats.
Healthy fats are an important part of any dog’s diet. You can use olive oil, coconut oil, or flaxseed oil. Avocados are also a good source of healthy fats for dogs. Avoid using any oils like sunflower and canola oil that are high in omega-6 fatty acids, as these can trigger inflammation and allergies in some dogs.
Add some vegetables.
Vegetables are a great way to add nutrients and fiber to your dog’s diet. Some good options include kale, green beans,broccoli,brussel sprout and spinach. Avoid using any vegetables that are high in oxalates, such as tomatoes or potatoes.
Put it all together and mix well.
Once you have all of your ingredients prepared, you will need to mix them together thoroughly. A good rule to follow is 70% musle meat 10% bones 10% organ meat and 10% veggies. This is also known as the BARF Diet (Bones and raw food) You can do this by hand or in a blender. If you are using a blender, make sure to blend the ingredients on the low setting so that you don’t end up with chunks of food in the final product.
Once everything is mixed together well, you can store the food in the refrigerator for 3 days and freeze up to three months. Serve it to your dog at mealtime and refrigerate any leftovers promptly. For some taste recipes visit our website for more homemade meals for dogs with food sensitives.